Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why the munchie minute?

Well, I think I'm qualified to be a food critic. And, I think being a food critic would be very fun. You can expect to hear about yummy food on this blog. I'll talk about bad food too. But, mostly good food.

All year I am going to be blogging about school lunch. And cold food and warm food. I just made my own first dish today. It is really cold, it used to be a liquid, and it's square. I call it lemon squares. They are little ice cube trays with lemonade in them that you freeze, you put toothpicks in them when they get slushy and then when they're all done you just kind of eat it. They were tasty.

Today was chicken dippers at school. I don't think they were very good. But, I only had them once. I don't think they were very good because they had too much sauce on them. I think green beans came with them, but then again I don't like green beans. There were smiley fries - I really love smiley fries!

That's all for school lunch today.